Manmade: these shoes aren’t made for walking

my pedantic prelude.

This blog began as a place to keep photos of real memories, as having existed within the boundaries of my daily world. Then they begged for more than mere reminiscence. Snapshots shelved and collected, continued offering intriguing questions and thoughts; i began thinking about what had actually occurred, or what could or might.

Their significance spread beyond a point in time to offer implications for an entire life. I got hooked with dissecting these pictures, lining my memories up, looking for patterns. How little we would have gotten out of life if we did not have these recorders of life.  Photos catch, for a while yet, bits of the endless sensory stream,  neatly framed in little pocketbooks of picture memory.

Photos in this blog became a record of the tangible world: visual documentations of people and places around us, among us and from territories unimagined. Even if by another, pictures sealed for me the memory of an ocean’s wave or forest lane, a hunger strike, a cobbler’s sweat.

We spend too many of our days within the walls of our homes, the circles of friends and day-to-days. Too much time in our own heads. Time to see more, i thought. Time to give more attention to all around us.

Here, are not political wranglings or sanitised social issues in the news media, but stirrings from within a personal place born into a work of art. These pictures displayed talent, passion, skill, visionaries, humour, labour, intellect- the very best of human qualities. These also humbled me, and uplifted me, encouraged exploration of new depths and heights.

Photo-plumbing for this blog has led me to think thus far, we need to break out of our narrow shells to encounter the real. But we also need to rise above comfort, above mundanity, to feel inspiration and feel ourselves capable of inspiring again.

and so,

violise lunn | paper shoes

When are shoes not shoes?
When they have other functions and purposes.

In this case, danish designer violise lunn‘s paper shoes are ethereal and fragile, meant to carry (pardon the pun) you off to a pretty-trimmed fantasy world, not across hard traverses.

violiselunn | paper shoes

Your dream needs a backbone;
Your efforts need a muse.

all images by Violise Lunn

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